Rep. William Timmons (R-SC) — Oversight Committee; JAG Officer; Captain in South Carolina Air National Guard
Interview conducted Dec. 6th
LISTEN: Laslo & Timmons
Ask a Pol asks:
We hear that Homeland Security Sec. Alejandro Mayorkas briefed the New Jersey delegation on drone incursions this week and that that didn’t come up at all in the UAP SCIF briefing for the Oversight Committee?
Key Timmons:
“The biggest issue is sensors and data. We’ve got to get better data. We’ve got to have more,” Rep. William Timmons exclusively told Ask a Pol. “In order to have a better understanding, well, we need to have better imagery, better sensors. We don’t have it.”
ICYMI — Opinions differ on AARO briefing
Caught our ear:
“I thought it went well. I thought they answered all our questions,” Timmons said of AARO.
Below find a rough transcript of Ask a Pol’s exclusive interview with Rep. William Timmons (R-SC), slightly edited for clarity.
TRANSCRIPT: Rep. William Timmons
SCENE: On Dec. 6, Reps. Timmons and Glenn Grothman (R-WI) exit the classified SCIF briefing for the House Oversight Committee delivered by AARO, and News Nation — the only outlet besides Ask a Pol covering the meeting — asks if they’d speak in front of their camera.
Reporter: “Excuse me, gentleman, want to talk about the briefing?”
Glenn Grothman: “We got [to vote].”
As the congressmen head to the elevator, Laslo bolts up two flights of stairs…
Laslo into his mic: “We're running up two flights of stairs.”
…Laslo then greets the congressmen as they’re exiting the elevator.
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Matt Laslo: “How are you?”
William Timmons: “Did you hustle?”
Matt Laslo: “Yeah.”

WT: “Awesome, man.”
ML: “That's how I get my exercise.”
Laslo laughs.
WT: “I love it. I love it.”
ML: “Well, that's the slowest elevator in the Capitol. How did it go in there? I hear a little frustration.”
WT: “I mean, I thought it went well. I thought they answered all our questions.”
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