Rep. Tim Burchett (R-TN)
Ask a Pol asks:
What do you make of the new AARO UAP report?
Key Burchett:
“They’re lying to us,” Burchett exclusively tells Ask a Pol. “They’re lying to us, man. They’re not telling the truth, and it’s unfortunate. They’re just trying to degrade people. And, you know: debate us, don’t run us down.”
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LISTEN: Laslo & Burchett
Matt Laslo’s a veteran congressional correspondent, new media prof. & founder of Ask a Pol — a new, people-powered press corps.
Ask a Pol — asking your lawmakers your questions at your US Capitol.
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Below find a rough transcript of Ask a Pol’s exclusive interview with Rep. Tim Burchett (R-TN), slightly edited for clarity.

TRANSCRIPT: Rep. Tim Burchett
SCENE: On a sunny, if windy day, in Washington, Burchett votes on the House floor and then walks back to his office across the street while chatting with Ask a Pol’s Matt Laslo.
Matt Laslo: “Had a chance to check out that AARO report?”
TB: “Yeah.”
ML: “What do you make of it?”
TB: “They’re lying — they’re lying to us, man. They’re not telling the truth, and it’s unfortunate. They’re just trying to degrade people. And, you know: debate us, don’t run us down.”
ML: “How do you dislodge them?”
TB: “I don’t care.”
ML: “Do you think the Select…”
TB: “I don’t care what they do. That’s just another bureaucracy — government-funded bureaucracy — and until we have an executive in the White House that truly cares about the government waste and nonsense — doing away with nonsense — you’re not gonna see any of that go away. That’s just gonna be a part of it.”
ML: “Do you know how many signatures you guys have for the Oversight Subcommittee on UAPs?”
TB: “I do not. I do not know, but I heard a couple people said they’re — on the [House] floor — something about it. They were getting on it, so…”
ML: “So people are chatting it up?”
TB: “Yeah.”
ML: “Yeah.”
TB: “I think it’s a pretty positive deal.”
ML: “And there’s not gonna be too much opposition, ‘cause people at that public hearing just had more questions than answers?”
TB: “Yeah. Yeah.”
ML: “Yeah.”
TB: “Absolutely. That opened up more. You’re exactly right, it opened more stuff.”
Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL) is now waiting at the stoplight between the Capitol and House Office Buildings with Burchett and Ask a Pol.
TB: “I mean, I’m no Byron Donalds, but I think we’re in…”
A cab pulls up to a couple ladies visiting the Capitol and Burchett opens the door for them (pretty sure they had no idea he’s a lawmaker).
TB: “Here you go, ladies, hop in there. Let me get that door for you. You in? Alright.”
Once they’re inside the cab, Burchett slaps the top of it.
TB: “That’s what you do to a police car — once you get them in, you pop it on the roof. Lets em know they’re in there.”
ML: “You’re hired.”
TB: “Yeah.”
ML: “So what, you think, you guys will get that?”
TB: “I don’t know. I don’t know. I think we’re getting a hearing, I don’t know about a Select Committee. I don’t know the ins and outs of it.”
Burchett now sees two Capitol Police officers.
TB: “Hey! Anything?”
Officer 1: “No.”
Officers and Laslo laugh.
Officer 2: “How’s it going? Gotta be careful round that guy!”
TB: “I already know about him.”
Officer 1: “He’s a dawg!”
Burchett and officers chat right near the Members Only entrance to his House Office building.
ML: “You got a day job, I’m gonna let you get to it. Good to see you, sir.”
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