Rep. Robert Garcia (D-CA) — Congressional UAP Caucus; Oversight Committee
LISTEN: Laslo & Garcia
Ask a Pol asks:
Have you ever been in a briefing on the James Webb Space Telescope?
Key Garcia:
“No,” Rep. Robert Garcia exclusively tells Ask a Pol.
ICYMI — Still no lawmaker who’s attended JWST briefing
Caught our ear:
“No,” Garcia tells us.
Below find a rough transcript of Ask a Pol’s exclusive interview with Rep. Robert Garcia (D-CA), slightly edited for clarity.
*Student? Lost your gig? Hard times? Been there. Got you. No questions asked. Just ping us.
TRANSCRIPT: Rep. Robert Garcia
SCENE: Rep. Robert Garcia and his aide are rushing to the Capitol so the congressman can cast one of his last votes before Congress took the entire month of October off ahead of the elections, when Ask a Pol’s Matt Laslo catches him briefly with a community question.
Garcia aide: “Hey Laslo.”
Matt Laslo: “Have you ever been in a briefing on the James Webb Space Telescope?”
Robert Garcia: “No.”
ML: “No?”
RG: “On the space telescope?”
ML: “Yeah.”
Garcia pauses and shakes his head “no.”
ML: “That’s what I thought. What I thought.”
Garcia and his aide keep walking towards the Capitol.
ML: “Alright, have a good non-August, August.”
Garcia Aide: “Yes!”
Garcia and aide laugh at Laslo’s congressional recess quip.
Garcia Aide: “Bye Laslo.”
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