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Rep. Andre Carson (D-IN) — House Intelligence Committee
LISTEN: Laslo & Carson
Ask a Pol asks:
What do you make of the debate on the drones and this stuff?
Key Carson:
“It's an interesting debate. I mean, we've had briefings in the SCIF, and obviously they vary from the open hearing because it's a committee of jurisdiction,” Rep. Andre Carson* exclusively tells Ask a Pol. “But the challenge with the open hearings is that our adversaries are watching and listening for context, clues.”
Yup? You are very good at saying that same thing…
*Carson chaired the historic first public UFO hearing in the US Capitol in 50 yearsback in 2022 from his perch on the House Intelligence Committee under then-Chair Adam Schiff (D-CA). He’s also exclusively told Ask a Pol he’s interested in the top Democratic slot if Congress ever authorizes a Select UAP Committee.
ICYMI — Play the tape!
Caught our ear:
Did you hear I got you in trouble?
“Uh-oh, uh-oh,” Carson replies. “Talk to me, talk to me.”
Got you all quoted up on the Joe Rogan podcast.
ICYMI — the ‘no comment’ heard round the interwebs…
“Stop playing,” Carson says. “No sir. No sir.”
Yeah, bro.
“Dude, c’mon man.”
Laslo laughs.
“Which episode?” Carson says. “Come on bro, which episode right now?”

Below find a rough transcript of Ask a Pol’s exclusive interview with Rep. Andre Carson (D-IN), slightly edited for clarity.
TRANSCRIPT: Rep. Andre Carson
SCENE: After voting on the House floor at the end of December, Carson’s walking to his car when Ask a Pol’s Matt Laslo chats him up...
Matt Laslo: “Look at this young man.”
Andre Carson: “There he is.”
ML: “Did you hear I got you in trouble?”
AC: “Uh-oh, uh-oh. Talk to me, talk to me.”
ML: “Got you all quoted up on the Joe Rogan podcast.”
AC: “Stop playing. No sir. No sir.”
ML: “Yeah, bro.”
AC: “Dude, c’mon man.”
Laslo laughs.
AC: “Which episode? Come on bro, which episode right now?”
ML: “It was this week. It was this week.”
AC: “You were on Joe Rogan?”
ML: “He mentioned me. I wasn’t on there. Not yet, I'm young.”
Laslo laughs.
AC: ”You're on your way.”
ML: “Hey, give me your deets, I'll text it to you.”
AC: “Uh, uh, uh, I just got a new phone.”
The congressman starts looking up his new number.
AC: “Man, you got me pumped up, 'cause I, I, I..”
Laslo laughs.
AC: “Damn.”
ML: “Remember that thing that blew up…?”
Carson’s focused on finding his new number…
*Student? Lost your gig? Hard times? Been there. Got you. No questions asked. Just ping us.
ML: “When…”
Carson’s focused on his phone…
ML: “You might not love it, but it was funny…”
Carson’s still scrolling…
ML: “But that's my thing with this whole community. They're so starved for information...”
AC: “Mm-hmm.”
ML: “…that-that's where rumors just spark.”
AC: “Absolutely. Absolutely.”
ML: “As I told Sen. Warner, I'm like, ‘I've debunked more rumors in this space than the US government has in 50 fucking years.’”
Laslo laughs.
AC: “Absolutely. Absolutely. Absolutely.”
Carson to himself: ”I just got a new phone where can it be…”
Metal security barrier creaks open.
AC: “Uh, what are folks saying about, Mr. Musk?”
ML: “Psh. I don’t even know. That guy…”
AC: “Yeah, did you hear anything…?”
ML: “I mean, you mean, President Musk?”
AC: “Uh, uh…”
Momentary Radio Silence: Carson found his new number…
ML: “Well here, so on the record right now. What do you make of the debate on the drones and this stuff?”
AC: “Well, it's an interesting debate. I mean we've...”
ML: “Yeah?”
AC: “...we've had briefings in the SCIF, and obviously they vary from the open hearings...”
ML: “Yeah?”
AC: “…because it's a committee of jurisdiction. But the challenge with the open hearings is that our adversaries are watching and listening for context, clues.”
ML: “Yup?”
Carson jets to his car.
ML: “You are very good at saying that same thing.”
Carson opens his car door.
AC: “I'm trying to be like you, my brother, you know.”
ML: “You gonna be [Intel] Chair someday.”
AC: “Man, help me, brother. Help me!”
ML: “Have a good one!”
AC: “You, too.”
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