Since Speaker Kevin McCarthy and House Republicans booted Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) off the Intelligence Committee at the start of this Congress, it’s become harder for Schiff to investigate UFOs, including when it comes to whistleblower David Grusch.
Still, Schiff tells Ask a Pol he’s got lingering questions.
“The ones that are most interesting to me are the ones where the instruments have measured something — multiple instruments have measured something, so we know that there is something there. It's not a human error. It's not an observational error,” Schiff told Ask a Pol’s Matt Laslo in July. “And what is seen cannot be explained by what we know of physics and so it can't be explained yet,” Schiff says.

The man who went from Intelligence chair in December to being stripped of the committee assignment altogether in January, laments that the Pentagon only recently started publicly tracking UAPs (Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena) after Congress mandated it.
“Part of the challenge with others is that, because we were not taking the phenomenon seriously enough, we didn't keep the data. We didn't measure it as well as we might, and so we may never be able to answer the questions,” Schiff says.
While this is a first listen to our exclusive interview with Schiff, the interview took place on July 20, 2023.
Matt Laslo is a veteran congressional correspondent and founder of Ask a Pol—Washington’s new people-powered press corps. Find him on most social media @MattLaslo.
We’re @Ask_a_Pol or @askpols on Insta.
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