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Sen. Tuberville sees some medical benefits in marijuana but "I’m not for legalizing it, no"
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Sen. Tuberville sees some medical benefits in marijuana but "I’m not for legalizing it, no"

Ep. 15 — Sen. Tommy Tuberville (3-6-2024)
Coach Tommy Tuberville talks with press corps just off the Senate floor. Photo: Matt Laslo


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Sen. (Coach) Tommy Tuberville (R-AL)

LISTEN: Laslo & Tuberville


Ask a Pol asked:

What’s your stance on marijuana?

Key Tuberville: 

“I think it probably might help some people, you know, medically,” Tuberville told Ask a Pol. “But I’m not for legalizing it, no.”


Caught our ear:

“They wanna legalize all drugs,” Tuberville said.

“But you’d oppose that?”

“Yeah,” Tuberville said.

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Below find a rough transcript of Ask a Pol’s exclusive interview with Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-AL), slightly edited for clarity.

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TRANSCRIPT: Sen. Tommy Tuberville

SCENE: After voting on the Senate floor, Tuberville’s in the basement of the Capitol as he makes his way back to his office. He’s always joking — mocking, really! — with Ask a Pol’s Matt Laslo.


Laslo’s laughing after Tuberville made some quip that reminded him of cannabis.

Matt Laslo: “I’ve never asked you about — what’s your stance on marijuana?”

Tommy Tuberville: “Stance on marijuana? I think it probably might help some people, you know, medically.”

ML: “Yeah?”

TT: “But I’m not for legalizing it, no.”

ML: “No? Have you seen the effort by some of your colleagues to — your Democratic colleagues — pushing the DEA to deschedule it or reschedule it on their own?”

TT: “I haven’t seen that.”

ML: “No?”

TT: “I wouldn’t doubt it. They all want to legalize it. They wanna legalize all drugs.”

ML: “But you’d oppose that?”

TT: “Yeah.”

ML: “Yeah? Preciate you, sir.”

TT: “Alright. Thank you, brother.”

ML: “Have a good one.”


Matt Laslo’s covered drug policy for Playboy, Rolling Stone, VICE News Tonight, Daily Beast, VICE News, etc. He’s also a new media prof. & the founder of Ask a Pol — a new, people-powered press corps.

Ask a Pol — asking your lawmakers your questions at your US Capitol.

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