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Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA) — Armed Services Committee
LISTEN: Laslo & Kaine
Ask a Pol asks:
After the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence — or HPSCI — was given a classified SCIF briefing on the drones sightings over the east coast this week, do you all plan to ask for one in the Senate?
Key Kaine:
“We have a more in-depth briefing later this week — [Senate Intelligence Committee Chair Mark] Warner and I and the Virginia delegation on, ‘Okay, a year after Langley, like, what can you tell us? And what can't you?’ If there's stuff you don't know, they don't know it for a year,” Sen. Tim Kaine exclusively tells Ask a Pol. “We don’t think they know stuff they're not telling us, we're shocked at the amount of stuff that they don't know.”
ICYMI — Kaine’s called for Langley answers for months now
Caught our ear:
“There's a lot of people not taking responsibility for answering,” Kaine tells us.
Below find a rough transcript of Ask a Pol’s exclusive Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA), slightly edited for clarity.
TRANSCRIPT: Sen. Tim Kaine
SCENE: After leaving the stakeout for Tuesday’s House SCIF briefing, Ask a Pol’s Matt Laslo’s heading back to his cubicle in the Capitol when he runs into Sen. Kaine. Laslo drops everything and proceeds to ride an elevator with Kaine as he heads to the Senate floor to vote.
The interview starts with Laslo filling Kaine in on Tuesday’s House Intel briefing…
Matt Laslo: “One thing they didn't bring up is the US relying on 60 RAF forces over in the UK to help our four bases there.”
Tim Kaine: “Right.”
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M.L.: “So they're bifurcating this, and they're saying…”
T.K.: “Well, there's huge: ‘Oh, that's not our job.’ You know, the FBI claims, ‘no that's for the DOD [Department of Defense], and the DOD says, ‘No, it's for the FBI’ or they say it's for the FAA. There's a lot of people not taking responsibility for answering.”
M.L.: “Are you guys hoping — or is there anything scheduled — for you guys to get a brief? I know Schumer and…”
T.K.: “I'm not getting a brief. We have a more in-depth briefing later this week — [Sen. Mark] Warner and I and the Virginia delegation…”
M.L.: “Yeah?”
T.K.: “…on, ‘Okay, a year after Langley, like, what can you tell us? And what can't you?’ If there's stuff you don't know, they don't know it for a year.”
M.L.: “Yeah?”
T.K.: “We don’t think they know stuff they're not telling us, we're shocked at the amount of stuff that they don't know.”
M.L.: “Yeah?”
T.K.: “So anyway, that'll be, that'll be Thursday.”
M.L.: “That’ll be Thursday?”
Kaine nods.
M.L.: “Just the delegation?”
T.K.: “Yes. Just the Virginia delegation.”
M.L.: “I'll be houndin y’all after.”
T.K.: “Alright.”
M.L.: “Preciate ya, sir.”
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