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Rep. Ralph Norman (R-SC)
LISTEN: Laslo & Norman
Ask a Pol asks:
Somebody told us to talk to you about UAPs — they said that you guys on the Republican Study Committee* had another good briefing or something on it?
*From the RSC website:

Key Norman:
“Yeah. We’ve had several,” Rep. Ralph Norman exclusively tells Ask a Pol.
What’s the mood in this new year?
“A thirst for having hearings that have some teeth to it,” Norman says.
ICYMI — talk of a Select UAP Committee in the air
Caught our ear:
What are your lingering questions on UAPs after those briefings?
“Who's behind them? Who's funding it?” Norman tells us. “Those in the know are very quiet. Why?”
Below find a rough transcript of Ask a Pol’s exclusive interview with Rep. Ralph Norman (R-SC), slightly edited for clarity.
TRANSCRIPT: Rep. Ralph Norman
SCENE: On Friday, just minutes ahead of the US House of Representatives voting on who would be speaker of the House in the 119th Congress, Ask a Pol’s Matt Laslo ran into Rep. Norman in the busy basement of the Capitol and peppered him with UAP questions.
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Ralph Norman: “Hello, Matt.”
Matt Laslo: “How are you doing?”
RN: “Good.”
ML: “Somebody told me to talk to you about UAPs. They said that you guys had another good briefing or something on it?”
RN: “Yeah. We’ve had several.”
ML: “Yeah? Oh, really?”
RN: “Uh-huh.”
*Student? Lost your gig? Hard times? Been there. Got you. No questions asked. Just ping us.
ML: “Anything more illuminating?”
RN: “More questions raised than — more questions raised than anything else.”
ML: “What are your lingering questions?”
RN: “Well, who's behind them? Who's funding it? Those in the know are very quiet. Why?”
ML: “Yeah? Do you — have you heard talk of a Select UAP Committee, Comer said he's open to it.”
RN: “Oh yeah.”
ML: “Would you be open to that?”
RN: “Absolutely. Comer has done a….”
Norman and Laslo come upon a massive elevator line ahead of Friday’s speaker vote.”
RN: “Oh God.”
ML: “They’ll be quick.”
RN: “Comer’s done a good job of spearheading the groups, and knowledge is power.”
ML: “Now, Burlison told me, if they get a Select Committee, he wants to hire David Grusch and Lue Elizondo as staff. What would you think of that?”
RN: “Well, you got a lot of people who’d want to serve on that.”
ML: “Yeah?”
RN: “Yeah.”
ML: “I'll be watchin.”
RN: “Lets go to the steps.”
Norman doubles back in the Capitol’s basement looking for a staircase up to the House floor.
ML: “What’s the biggest revelation you think you've gotten in those briefings?”
RN: “In the briefs?”
ML: “Yeah. Because that’s Republican Study Committee?”
RN: “Yeah. Umm, I wouldn't say anything — a lot of it has been out there for a long time….”
ML: “Uh-huh?”
RN: “…but nothing surprised me, other than just a thirst for new knowledge.”
ML: “Yeah?”
RN: “A thirst for having hearings that have some teeth to it.”
ML: “Because there has been a mood change?”
RN: “Oh, yeah.”
ML: “Night and day?”
RN: “Yeah.”
Norman’s lost.
RN: “Do you know where the steps are?”
ML: “There’s…”
Norman runs into someone he knows.
“Hi, sir.”
RN: “Hey! How you doing?”
“I was just talking about you.”
RN: “Well, I hope it was good…”
ML: “There’s steps over here, sir.”
RN: “Did you….okay, good. Come by the office sometime.”
ML: “You can pop up there.”
RN: “Alright.”
ML: “Have a good one.”
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