Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) — Chairwoman of Oversight Subcommittee on CyberSecurity, IT & Government Innovation
LISTEN: Laslo & Mace
Ask a Pol asks:
What’s your takeaway from the UAP hearing you just chaired?*
*sorry for delay, we sick…
Key Mace:
“I could have gone all afternoon — I could have gone all day, right? I mean, so this is just the tip of the iceberg,” Rep. Nancy Mace exclusively tells Ask a Pol.
“There is a lot to unpack in what they're telling us, in terms of what agencies are involved, what contractors are involved, how they're involved, what they're involved with,” Mace continued. “And this based on now two hearings with multiple witnesses with clearances, esteemed backgrounds and careers in the military and other federal agencies that are telling the American people we're being lied to, that Congress is being lied to. This is bombshell.”

Congressional UFO investigation far from over
“Who's hiding it, how are they hiding it and why?” Mace asks. “We didn't have enough time to get into that today. But who's behind it all? And is the Pentagon — is anything being hid from the Pentagon too? So I just, you know, we need more whistleblowers. We need more time to truly get to the bottom of it. But what we saw today was huge. This was bombshell revelations about what potentially is there — explained and unexplained.”
*STAY TUNED: During House UFO hearing, Ask a Pol broke news that Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand’s expanded her AARO — All-Domain Anomoly Resolution Office — hearing to include the Langley Airforce Base UAP incurrions. Full interview dropping ASAP!
**On Thursday, Gillibrand confirmed that she got the date wrong, and the Senate UAP hearing is NEXT WEEK on Nov. 19th. Interviews coming…
Caught our ear:
“We need more whistleblowers. We need more time to truly get to the bottom of it. But what we saw today was huge. This was bombshell revelations about what potentially is there — explained and unexplained,” Mace tells Ask a Pol.
Caught Mace’s ear:
“That was the first time in a hearing — ever — I've seen applause and a standing ovation,” Mace says.
Below find a rough transcript of Ask a Pol’s exclusive interview with Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC), slightly edited for clarity.
TRANSCRIPT: Rep. Nancy Mace
SCENE: Chair Nancy Mace is just leaving the UAP hearing she ran on Wednesday, Nov. 13, 2024 when Ask a Pol’s Matt Laslo — who was in the hall outside listening to the hearing in one ear and interviewing lawmakers as they left with his other ear — ran into her.
Votes had just been called on the House floor, so while they start chatting on the marble halls of the historic Rayburn House Office Building, they then walk past security and go outside before walking to the Capitol together.
Matt Laslo: “Look at this young lady. Was just listening to ya.”
Laslo says as he takes his generic earbud out.
Nancy Mace: “Oh, hi.”
ML: “How do you think it went?”
NM: “Well, there was a standing ovation. That was the first time in a hearing — ever — I've seen applause and a standing ovation.”
ML: “Yeah? What’s that show you?”
NM: “There’’s a lot of interest in the topic and people just want to know facts, data and the truth — what does this mean, what's going on, what are we funding, how are we funding it and what are we funding it for, right? — at the end of the day.”
ML: “Did you walk away from there with any conclusions? Or spots to keep investigating?”
NM: “Obviously, more questions. I mean, I could have gone all afternoon — I could have gone all day, right? I mean, so this is just the tip of the iceberg.”
ML: “And so now, after the last one, the administration, or the executive branch, made y'all jump through some hoops and hurdles even to get SCIF [Secured Compartmentalized Information Facility] briefings — what's the takeaway from this?”
ICYMI — Classified SCIF briefing “nothing burger”
NM: “I mean, there's a lot to unpack here, like, I'm gonna have to go back and listen to all the testimony in the question portion of it — there is a lot to unpack in what they're telling us, in terms of what agencies are involved, what contractors are involved, how they're involved, what they're involved with. And this based on now two hearings with multiple witnesses with clearances, esteemed backgrounds and careers in the military and other federal agencies that are telling the American people we're being lied to, that Congress is being lied to. This is bombshell.”
ML: “Yeah, and that really stuck out to me, that there are these SAPs [Special Access Programs] being hidden from you all. What’d you make of that?”
NM: “If I had more time to question, I would want to know who's hiding it, how are they hiding it and why? You know, so we didn't have enough time to get into that today. But who's behind it all? And is the Pentagon — is anything being hid from the Pentagon too? So I just, you know, we need more whistleblowers. We need more time to truly get to the bottom of it. But what we saw today was huge. This was bombshell revelations about what potentially is there — explained and unexplained.”
ML: “And do you think — because so many of their answers had to be, ‘I can only answer that in a classified setting’ — do you think another SCIF briefing is warranted? Or, have you guys tried that and…?”
*Student? Lost your gig? Hard times? Been there. Got you. No questions asked. Just ping us.
NM: “Obviously, yes to a SCIF again. I want to go back and look at the DOD [Department of Defense]. I want to look at the budget of Intel agencies and DOD again. You know, where is this stuff hidden? And then why is it being hidden from us?”
ML: “Yeah?”
NM: “It’s bullsh*t.”
ML: “I didn’t know that AARO’s budget is secret — or off the books.”
NM: “Yeah. I'm able to know in a private setting, but the public isn't. And it's, it's — it shouldn't be classified. Just like the dates of the 2017 [incident] — like, why is the date of it [classified]? Why can’t you talk about it publicly or describe it?”
ML: “Yeah. Do you think it's within the executive branch? Or do you, I know you’ve been coming at this…?”
NM: “It's not like some of it is. Some of it sounds like it's executive branch, Intel agencies and private contractors.”
ML: “Yeah” I was gonna ask you about military contractors, so they could still be in the mix?”
NM: “Yeah. And skirt the law. This is — we're just scratching the surface now. There's so much more.”
ML: “and so in the new Congress, do you think the administration Trump will be open to it, or do you still think select committee? Yeah, no, again, yeah.”
NM: “I can’t speak for Trump.”
ML: “Yeah. No one can.”
NM: “I hope that, you know, that there'll be more transparency in this administration on everything — not just UAPs, but everything.”
ML: “Would you want a select committee?”
NM: “I would support one.”
ML: “Would you want to chair it?”
NM: “I'm not gonna go that far, but I would support a select committee.”
ML: “Andre Carson says he wants to be ranking member of it if there is one.”
NM: “I would chair — let’s be truthful, I would chair any select committee.”
ML: “Right? Hey, so would I!”
NM: “Yeah.”
ML: “So I broke news while you were in there. Gillibrand is gonna have her hearing in the Senate in December [Transcript correct, but info was wrong: Gillibrand’s UFO hearing in the US Senate scheduled for next week, NOVEMBER 19th!!!!], she thinks. And instead of just the focus on AARO, which she wants to have — so half on AARO and half on Langley, those incursions. It seems like that Wall Street Journal article really woke a lot of people up.”
NM: “I’m not familiar with it.”
ML: “I know I gotta read it, too.”
NM: “I wasn’t familiar with it.”
ML: “Oh yeah? I mean, it was a busy last few months.”
NM: “Yup.”
ML: “All I got for you ma’am.”
They’re now nearing the Capitol.
NM: “Alright, thank you.”
ML: “Have a good one, ma’am.”
*Please forgive typos, we’re sick…
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