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Rep. Jared Moskowitz (D-FL) — Oversight & Accountability Committee; Congressional UAP Caucus
LISTEN: Laslo & Moskowitz
Ask a Pol asks:
What's your relationship with Senate Intelligence Committee Vice-Chair Marco Rubio (R-FL), because we’re curious if the Intel. Committee has been read in a little bit more than you all on the House UAP Caucus?
Key Moskowitz:
“It's good. I know, he's been — [Rubio’s] way more read in than I am,” Moskowitz exclusively tells Ask a Pol. “Think about it: Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, Marco Rubio — these are not insignificant senators, right? — who have been following this issue. So — but I gotta go vote.”
Caught our ear:
What do you make of AARO these days?
“Well, we don't know,” Moskowitz says.
“I didn't see the latest report,” Moskowitz told us the day the House gaveled out for its 2-week Easter recess. “But now that you said that, I'll read it on the plane.”
Sneak Peak: Ask a Pol’s first question for April
How was the AARO report…?
ICYMI — cheat sheet
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Matt Laslo’s a veteran congressional correspondent, new media prof. & founder of Ask a Pol — a new, people-powered press corps.
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Below find a rough transcript of Ask a Pol’s exclusive interview with Rep. Jared Moskowitz (D-FL), slightly edited for clarity.
TRANSCRIPT: Rep. Jared Moskowitz
SCENE: Just ahead of Congress’ two-week long Easter recess, Moskowitz and another lawmaker were wrapping up a loud conversation as they walked through a tunnel from the House Office Buildings to the Capitol. By the time the elevator underneath the House floor opened a handful of lawmakers and visitors were listening to their interesting chat.
Jared Moskowitz: “…I've been doing this for 18 years at, like, different levels, and I can't tell you when it happened, but I eventually got to a point — I think it was probably during COVID — I eventually got to a point where I just said I don't care about it anymore. I'm just going to do what I think is right and...”
Moskowitz signals to Laslo to hop on the Members Only elevator.
JM: “Come on.”
Matt Laslo: “I haven't seen you since that new AARO report dropped.”
JM: “Which one?”
ML: “The declassified one that just came out. What’d you think of that?”
JM: “Oh-oh-oh, yeah-yeah. I gotta be honest, I haven’t read it yet.”
ML: “Yeah?”
JM: “Yeah.”
ML: “Okay. What do make of AARO these days?”
JM: “Well, we don't know.”
ML: “Yeah?”
JM: “Right? I mean, we really don't know. I mean, look, the stuff they put on the website, when they established that website, I thought was very important. But, you know, I'm still waiting for leadership to grant a subcommittee. I signed that letter.”
ML: “Yeah?”
JM: “But I didn't see the latest report. But now that you said that, I'll read it on the plane.”
ML:“What’s your conjecture on the US military and contractors these days?”
JM: “I think, I mean, how would I conjure it? I mean, our issue is not affecting that.”
ML: “But is it the realization of the military-industrial complex?”
JM: “We don't — we just, we don’t know. I mean, like, I'm serious, like, what was [fmr. Secretary of Defense] Donald Rumsfeld's famous quote?”
ML: “Yeah.”
JM: “Like, ‘There are many unknown unknowns’, right? I mean, we don't know.”
ML: “Because that's where I'm curious, if some of these SAPs [Special Access Programs] could be hidden within these contractors.”
JM: “Well, that's what the belief is, right? That's what some of the thought is. But, again, there's no — we have whistleblowers coming forward, but there's no concrete information.”
ML: “I'm curious on this: What's your relationship with [Sen. Marco] Rubio? Because I'm curious if the Senate Intel [Committee] has been read in a little bit more?”
JM: “It's good. I know, he's been — he’s way more read in than I am.”
ML: “That's what I'm saying. I think they have information you all don’t.”
JM: “Yeah, well, [fmr. Senate Majority Leader] Harry Reid [D-NV].”
ML: “Yeah?”
JM: “Right? [Majority Leader] Chuck Schumer. Think about it: Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, Marco Rubio — these are not insignificant senators, right? — who have been following this issue. So — but I gotta go vote.”
ML: “Do it. Have a good one.”
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