Before then-President Barack Obama tapped Max Baucus to be America’s 11th ambassador to China, he represented Montana in the US Senate for 36 years—all but three of which overlapped with former Majority Leader Harry Reid’s 30 year stint representing Nevada.
While Reid was majority leader, Baucus chaired the powerful Finance Committee, which meant the two spent more time than most together behind the Capitol’s closed doors.
When Baucus hears ‘David Grusch’ he thinks Harry Reid.
“That’s funny—I was thinking about Harry Reid when I saw the recent articles,” Baucus chuckles.
Below find a rough transcript of Ask a Pol’s exclusive interview with fmr. senator and ambassador Baucus, slightly edited for clarity.
Please note, we’re confused by his concluding remarks. Que sera sera.
Ambassador & Sen. Max Baucus (7-19-2023)
Matt Laslo: “Random question for you. Have you ever talked to Harry Reid about UFOs?”
Max Baucus: “That’s funny—I was thinking about Harry Reid when I saw the recent articles.”
ML: “Right?”
MB: “I was thinking about that, about Harry.”
ML: “Because he brought it up and no one else really did?”
MB: “Not in—in no detail at all.”
ML: “Yeah? You guys—you just knew it was on his radar?”
MB: “Yeah.”
ML: “But when you've been hearing this David Grusch guy …”
MB: “I think a lot of stuff about him.”
ML: “...you been thinkin about Reid?”
MB: “Not the kind of UFOs you're talking about.”
ML: “Right?”
Matt Laslo is a veteran congressional correspondent and founder of Ask a Pol—a people-powered press corps. Find him on most social media @MattLaslo.
We’re @Ask_a_Pol or@askpols on Insta.
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