Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY)
Ask a Pol asks:
“What was your guys’ classified UAP briefing in January? You have it on your public schedule.”

Key Gillibrand:
“Umm. It wasn’t about UAP,” Gillibrand exclusively tells Ask a Pol. “It was in the context of that, but it was not about that. It was about broader…”
Response to SUBSCRIBER QUESTION of whether she’s ever met AARO’s interim director, Tim Phillips:
“I don’t think I have,” Gillibrand answers. “I’m going to meet with him. I’m gonna meet with him.”
Bonus Ask:
“Having fun secret meetings underground?”
Senator’s response:
“We do. They’re always fun.”
Check mated by the senator. Cheers!
FLASHBACK: Kirkpatrick classic, July 2023
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LISTEN: Laslo & Gillibrand
Matt Laslo’s a veteran congressional correspondent, new media prof. & founder of Ask a Pol — a new, people-powered press corps.
Ask a Pol — asking your lawmakers your questions at your US Capitol. @Ask_a_Pol or @askpols
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Below find a rough transcript of Ask a Pol’s exclusive interview with Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), slightly edited for clarity.
TRANSCRIPT: Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand
SCENE: Laslo’s in the Capitol’s dreary basement for an hour or so when Sen. Gillibrand appears, heading away from the Senate floor and towards the Senate SCIF; where Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) had just descended with an intelligence staffer carrying a sealed classified folder.
But Gillibrand doesn’t go down the stairs to the SCIF. She keeps walking — casually staffed by two younger gentleman — into the expansive Capitol Visitor’s Center (CVC), where the New Yorker is heading to a Dominican Republic event.
Matt Laslo: “Having fun secret meetings underground?”
Kirsten Gillibrand: “We do. They’re always fun.”
ML: “I just saw [Sen. Susan] Collins (R-ME) go down [to the SCIF].”
KG: “Oh, I’m just going to the Dominican Republic…”
ML: “Was curious, what was your guys’ classified UAP briefing in January? You have it on your public schedule.”
KG: “Umm. It wasn’t about UAP.”
ML: “Oh really, it wasn’t?”
Gillibrand shakes her head.
ML: “Typo.”
KG: “No. It was in the context of that, but it was not about that. It was about broader…”
Gillibrand flashes, ‘I can’t say’ look, as they pass through the heavy fireproof doors leading into the CVC.
ML: “Have you reached out to AARO [All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office] at all?“
KG: “Not yet, but I’ve asked to meet the guy. Remember, I’m going to meet with the interim guy?”
Gillibrand looks to her staffer.
ML: “I think it’s Tim Phillips?”
They agree.
KG: “Yeah, I mean, Tim Phillips.”
ML: “You’ve already met with him in the past, you just didn’t know he was interim?”
KG: “Have I met with Tim Phillips in the past?”
ML: “I don’t know.”
KG: “I don’t think I have.”
ML: “I haven’t.”
KG: “I’m going to meet with him. I’m gonna meet with him. Umm.”
ML: “Feels like this is still the start of — oh no, kind of a slow start to the year, but it’s a campaign year and all that. The border deal kinda sucks a lot of the oxygen out of the town?”
KG: “Yeah.”
ML: “Yeah? Umm.”
KG: “But we’ll get back to it, I promise.”
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