Rep. Eric Burlison (R-MO) — Congressional UAP Caucus; Oversight Committee
LISTEN: Laslo & Burlison
Ask a Pol asks:
It seems like we don't know what's in American skies?
Key Burlison:
“Yeah,” Rep. Eric Burlison exclusively tells Ask a Pol.
Right? So like, to me, that’s where there's overlap in the ‘drone’ and UAP issues. I mean, how can we know anything up there?
“Yeah,” Burlison says. “There was talk of there being a [Select] UAP committee that could investigate what happened with the drones in New Jersey — it could shed light on things like this — and, apparently, the Speaker's office turned that idea down.”
Oh, really?
“They turned down that idea, of giving us a Select [UAP] Committee,” Burlison says. “I've heard that they may…allow a task force, which is basically a neutered committee.”
ICYMI — Select Committee may have hired David Grusch
UAP Caucus member unaware of Langley incident:
We just spoke to Sen. Tim Kaine and Senate Intel Committee Vice-chair Mark Warner about the incident at the Langley Air Force Base in December 2023. Is the thinking now that one of our adversaries has mastered anti-gravitational technology?
“Something shut down Langley?” Burlison asks. “Was it drones?”
‘Drones’ but the Pentagon has no idea what they are, is what the head of the Senate Intel Committee is telling Ask a Pol.
“Oh,” Burlison replies.
ICYMI — Don’t. Miss. This.
Caught our ear:
“Ukraine is a drone war. It's changed warfare. So if we're going to be successful in the United States, we need to be a nation that's not reliant on China for drones,” Burlison tells us. “We rely on China and/or the supply chain in China for our drones. That can't happen.”
Below find a rough transcript of Ask a Pol’s exclusive interview with Rep. Eric Burlison (R-MO), slightly edited for clarity.
TRANSCRIPT: Rep. Eric Burlison
SCENE: Ask a Pol’s Matt Laslo is staking out the bleak, florescent light saturated underground tunnel between the US Capitol and House Office Buildings when Rep. Eric Burlison comes strolling down…
Matt Laslo: “Hey, what do make of — I was just talking to Sen. [Tim] Kaine and [Sen. Mark] Warner, they had a classified briefing on Langley — and a year out of the Langley incident, they say the Pentagon has no idea what shut down Langley for 17 days last December — December 2023.”
Eric Burlison: “Something shut down Langley? Was it drones?”
ICYMI — FREE link to WSJ Langley feature

ML: “‘Drones’ but the Pentagon has no idea what they are, is what the head of the Senate Intel Committee is telling me.”
EB: “Oh.”
ML: “Warner.”
EB: “Okay.”
ML: “And so like is the thinking now that one of our adversaries has mastered anti-gravitational technology?”
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EB: “I mean, that's what we gotta continue to investigate and determine. This is, it's frustrating to, I think, the American people. They watch what happened in New Jersey. I tend to think that what — that that was probably hobbyist or commercial stuff.”
ML: “But 20-foot — 20-foot long? And what Kaine told me exactly was…”
EB: “Are you talking about in New Jersey or…?”
ML: “In Jersey they saw 20-foot long…”
EB: “I have seen some pretty large commercial drones.”
ML: “Yeah?”
EB: “Some very large commercial drones...”
ML: “But I mean, talk to Congressman Smith…”
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EB: “…especially — so I just saw a demo of commercial drones that are being used to replace crop dusters.”
ML: “Yeah?”
EB: “These are huge.”
ML: “But that's not hobbyists and, like, what Kaine told me is, whatever commercial drones US has technology to down those, to track em, he said, whatever technology we had didn't work for 17 days at Langley.”
Laslo laughs.
EB: “Oh yeah, absolutely. Our military has to modernize. They've got to — what we're seeing happen in Ukraine: Ukraine is a drone war.”
ML: “Yeah?”
EB: “It's changed warfare. So if we're going to be successful in the United States, we need to be a nation that's not reliant on China for drones.”
ML: “Yeah?”
EB: “Right now, China's supplying the drones for both sides of the war in Ukraine.”
ML: “Yeah?”
EB: “US needs to — we rely on China and/or the supply chain in China for our drones. That can't happen. So we have to ramp-up our ability to take down drones, easily, and to have, umm, and to utilize drones and robots and all that.”
ML: “And so right now their technology is just far superior to ours?”
EB: “I don't think it's superior. I think that they have, they do things cheap.”
ML: “Yeah?”
EB: “And then when it comes to drone production, these things — you're going from a warfare model where you have, you know, tens, if not hundreds of billions of dollars, of highly sophisticated aircraft that a human operates to thousands of drones, right?”
ML: “Yeah.”
EB: “And so, it's not, necessarily, that they’re less sophisticated. It has nothing to a sophistication, as much as it is, who can mass produce at a cheap drone.”
ML: “Interesting.”
EB: “And who is actually spending the money to mass produce? It may cost the United States more money to produce the same number of drones as China, but at least — but we need to, even if that's the case, we still have to move in that direction.”
ML: “Yeah? And for you all, this is kinda separate from the UAP issue, even though the Pentagon has no idea — and FBI — has no idea what these are?”
EB: “Right. Yeah. And I think that we need to, we obviously need to improve our technology where we can be clearly identifying what's in our skies.”
ML: “Yeah? And that's where it just seems like, in the NDAA this year — like last year — [Sens.] Kaine, Gillibrand — they’re gonna fight for more sensors, cause they say the US doesn't have good enough sensors to even know, like, the what — we were invaded by a balloon in — what? 2023? — that floated from Montana to South Carolina before we took it down.”
EB: “Right.”
ML: “It seems like we don't know what's in American skies?”
EB: “Yeah.”
ML: “Right? So like, to me, that is where there's overlap in these issues. I mean, how can we know anything up there?”
EB: “Yeah. I would say, there was talk of there being a UAP committee that could investigate what happened with the drones in New Jersey…”
ML: “Yeah?”
EB: “…that could shed light on things like this. And, apparently, the Speaker's office turned that idea down.”
ML: “Oh, really?”
EB: “They turned down that idea, of giving us a…”
ML: “Select committee.”
EB: “…select committee. I think that, I've heard that they may do, they may allow a task force, which is basically a neutered committee.”
ML: “Yeah? Better than nothing?”
EB: “Better than nothing, but it's still, it still wouldn't have — as we've been talking about for over a year — you've got to have the staff who are the right staff to investigate this. And then you also have to have the authority. The committee needs to have the authority so that when we, when we subpoena somebody or we go into a SCIF, we have a need to know, so.”
ML: “And the task force wouldn't have dedicated staff?”
EB: “I don't believe so.”
ML: “Yeah? And wouldn't have subpoena power, stuff like that?”
EB: “Yeah. Exactly.”
ML: “I’ll be watching. Thank you, sir.”
Andrey Beregovskiy contributed to this report.
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