Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA) — Chair, Senate Intelligence Committee
LISTEN: Laslo & Warner
Ask a Pol asks:
Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) tells me she's dropping a bill to allow the Pentagon to shoot UAPs or drones down over military bases on US soil — like Virginia’s Langley AFB — what do you make of that?
Key Warner:
“To have this many overflights, without the ability to take down anything, seems crazy,” Sen. Mark Warner exclusively tells Ask a Pol.
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ICYMI — Ask a Pol exclusive
Caught our ear:
“I’m still unclear,” Senate Intel Chair Warner tells us.
Below find a rough transcript of Ask a Pol’s exclusive interview with Senate Intel Chair Mark Warner (D-VA), slightly edited for clarity.
*On the day AARO’s new director was at the Capitol to testify before Sen. Gillibrand’s subcommittee, there were two classified SCIF briefings that both started at 2:30pm. Senators and staffers guided us to the SCIF briefing in the Senate Hart Building, but that was the Intelligence Committee briefing, not the Armed Services classified session with AARO. Apologies.
Because of that confusion, Warner sought Ask a Pol out the following day.
TRANSCRIPT: Intel Chair Mark Warner 2
SCENE: Ask a Pol’s Matt Laslo’s mic is initially off when Warner approaches him on Wednesday, Nov. 20, asking for a reminder of our questions outside the classified Intel briefing in Senate Hart the previous day.
Matt Laslo: “Yesterday I asked you about Langley. And, well, Gillibrand told me last night that she's dropping a bill to answer Sen. Kaine's questions to North[com] and Southcom, that would allow for the rules of engagement to either shoot over objects over Langley. What do you make of that?”
Mark Warner: “Well, I think, to have this many overflights, without the ability to take down anything, seems crazy.”
ML: “Yeah? So they seriously — our military can't shoot over something, that's over a military or nuclear site?”
MW: “I’m still unclear…”
ML: “It's head-spinning!”
MW: “No. I know, I know. Yeah, let me let me not make a [comment til I know more…].”
ML: “Yeah? Fair, fair, fair.”
MW: “But I've got questions…”
ML: “But that's what Pentagon officials are operating under?”
MW: “How many times do you have drone flights on that many days without us having an answer?”
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Warner steps onto awaiting underground tram.
ML: “Are you glad that we’re — that Langley's finally getting attention?”
MW: “Absolutely.”
Doors shut and reporters now clamor to get their questions answered…
Female reporter: “Can we talk about CHIPS?”
…before the doors shut on them.
ML: “Thank you, sir.”
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