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Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) — Ranking Democrat, House Oversight Committee
LISTEN: Laslo & Raskin
Ask a Pol asks:
What are your thoughts on members of the House Oversight Committee asking for a Select UAP Committee?
Key Raskin:
“I understand that, yeah,” Raskin exclusively tells Ask a Pol. “I think it might be a good use of their time, actually. Much better than impeaching Joe Biden. So I could see that as a more productive deployment of their time. Obviously, it would be up to the Republicans.”
ICYMI — Raskin had questions after Grusch testified
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Matt Laslo’s a veteran congressional correspondent, new media prof. & founder of Ask a Pol — a new, people-powered press corps.
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Below find a rough transcript of Ask a Pol’s exclusive interview with Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD), slightly edited for clarity.
TRANSCRIPT: Rep. Jamie Raskin
Matt Laslo: “Hey, sir. Were you ever able to follow up on your questions with UAP whistleblower David Grusch?”
Jamie Raskin: “I don’t know the answer.”
ML: “Yeah?”
JR: “I can find out for you.”
ML: “It just hasn’t really been on your radar? Well, ‘cause some members of the [House Oversight] Committee are asking for a Select UAP Committee.”
JR: “I understand that, yeah.”
ML: “Yeah? What are your thoughts on it?”
JR: “I think it might be a good use of their time, actually. Much better than impeaching Joe Biden. So I could see that as a more productive deployment of their time. Obviously, it would be up to the Republicans.”
ML: “Yeah. You haven't talked to [House Oversight Chair James] Comer about it?”
JR: “I have not spoken to Comer about that.”
ML: “And you wouldn't have any say on that?”
JR: “Look, I would…”
ML: “That's how the House runs?”
JR: “Put it this way — I prefer for them to be looking for UFOs in outer space than looking for UFOs on Hunter Biden's laptop.”
ML: “Yeah?”
JR: “So…”
Raskin laughs.
ML: “’Preciate you, sir.”
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