Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) — Chair, Senate Armed Services Emerging Threats & Capabilities Subcommittee
LISTEN: Laslo & Gillibrand
Ask a Pol asks:
Are we gonna have an AARO — All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office — hearing this November?
Key Gillibrand:
“Yeah, we are,” Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand exclusively tells Ask a Pol. “It’s gonna be an Armed Services hearing.
Subscriber question:
Ever had a briefing on the James Webb Telescope?
“No,” Gillibrand tells us. “Is it good?”
It’s awesome. Saw an exhibit down in Florida…

Below find a rough transcript of Ask a Pol’s exclusive interview with Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), slightly edited for clarity.
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TRANSCRIPT: Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand
SCENE: After voting, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand exits the Capitol and makes her way to an awaiting car when Ask a Pol’s Matt Laslo catches her for an impromptu UAP interview.
Matt Laslo: “So are we confirmed for November for AARO?”
Kirsten Gillibrand: “Yeah, we are. Yeah.”
ML: “[Senate Intel Chair] Mark Warner said he hadn’t heard of it.”
KG: “He’s not Emerging Threats [& Capabilities Subcommittee of Armed Services].”
ML: “Yeah? So you do this through Armed Services [Committee], not through Intel [Committee]?”
KG: “Armed Services, yeah. Yeah, Intel doesn’t have subcommittees. Yeah, so it’s gonna be an Armed Services hearing.”
ML: “You ever had a briefing…”
KG: “The last one we did was on Armed Services.”
ML: “Yeah? You ever had a briefing on the James Webb telescope?”
KG: “No. Is it good?”
ML: “I don’t know — it’s awesome. I saw an exhibit down in Florida.”
KG: “Oh, I’d love to do that.”
ML: “Oh, were you able to look at the Trump’s crypto thing yet?”
KG: “No, I still don’t know what he’s doing.”
ML: “I don’t think they do either.”
KG: “Do you know what they’re doing?”
ML: “Looks shady, according to [Rep. Brad] Sherman. Have a good one, ma’am.”
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