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US House Oversight Chair Comer says a Select UAP Committee “is being discussed”
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US House Oversight Chair Comer says a Select UAP Committee “is being discussed”

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Rep. James Comer (R-KY) — Chair, House Oversight Committee

LISTEN: Laslo & Comer

Ask a Pol asks:

Where do you see your Oversight Committee’s ongoing UAP investigation going in the new year? Some committee members still want a Select UAP Committee.

ICYMI — Comer’s been open to a Select UAP Committee

Key Comer:

“That's something that is being discussed,” US House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer exclusively tells Ask a Pol. “So we'll see what happens.”

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Comer’s dilemma: “I don't have a single staff person…that knows a lot about UAPs”

Rep. Eric Burlison and other UAP Caucus members talked about maybe hiring whistleblower David Grusch — who testified before your Oversight Committee last year — so he could get his clearance back, and then they’d have someone with expertise to help their investigation.

ICYMI — UAP Caucus tried to hire David Grusch

Would you be supportive of the UAP Caucus hiring Grusch?

Well, I don’t know,” Comer replies. “I can’t remember the guy you’re talking about exactly.”


“But if we were gonna do something on our committee, we would need a little bit of staff that knows something about it,” Comer says.

Reminder: Comer didn’t prepared to question Grusch

Caught our ear:

“We’ve gotta see who’s gonna be Speaker,” Comer tells us. “There's still some committee slots that haven't been filled. The budgets haven't been approved yet for the committees, so you can't hire staff.”

Below find a rough transcript of Ask a Pol’s exclusive interview with Rep. James Comer (R-KY), slightly edited for clarity.

TRANSCRIPT: Rep. James Comer

SCENE: After quickly voting on the end of year government funding package, Chair Comer rushes down the Capitol steps, briefly answers a few quick questions from the cable news crews and then starts briskly walking to catch his train to Baltimore.

Ask a Pol’s Matt Laslo was waiting in the wings and quickly catches up to the congressman.*

*As you’ll hear, the interview’s briefly interrupted by a holiday parade, with bass.

Matt Laslo: “I wanted to ask you — the drone incursions, they’re really taking over…”

James Comer: “I know nothing…”

ML: “That's not you?”

JC: “Yeah, I’m sorry. I don't know anything about it.”

ML: “What would you like to see in the new year, because your committee's been doing the UAP investigation. You know, some people want a Select Committee still.”


*Student? Lost your gig? Hard times? Been there. Got you. No questions asked. Just ping us.

JC: “That's something that is being discussed. So we'll see what happens. There's still a lot of — we've gotta see who's gonna be Speaker.”

ML: “Yeah?”

JC: “We got to see, there's still some committee slots that haven't been filled. The budgets haven't been approved yet for the committees, so you can't hire staff.”

ML: “Right.”

JC: “I don't have a single staff person on my staff that knows a lot about UAPs.”

ML: “Interesting. So that might help the argument for it.”

JC: “All of that — we had two hearings, but we really didn't have…”

A small, loud and funky Christmas parade slowly rolls past Comer and Laslo.

JC: “What is going on here?”

Once the mini-holiday parade rolls past Comer picks up where he left off.

JC: “We didn’t have a lot of staff…”

Laslo’s cracking up at the funk-filled spectacle.

JC: “I think to able to do that you’ve gotta have expertise.”

ML: “Yeah.”

JC: “We didn’t have that, so that’s all being discussed.”

ML: “That’s interesting. Well, cause [Rep. Eric] Burlison and them have talked about maybe hiring the guy who testified — David Grusch, the guy who testified last year so he could get his clearance back so they could have someone with expertise. Would you be supportive of that or something…?”

JC: “Well, I mean, I don’t know. I can’t remember the guy you’re talking about exactly.”

ML: “Yeah?”

JC: “But if we were gonna do something on our committee, we would need a little bit of staff that knows something about it.”

ML: “Yeah?”

JC: “And I have very smart lawyers that are very good investigators and know a lot of policy stuff, but they don't know anything about UAP.”

ML: “Yeah, they’re hired for Hunter frickin Biden.”

JC: “Right, right, right.”

ML: “Alright. Preciate ya.”

Comer hesitates crossing the street to the House Office Buildings.

ML: “You can make it, sir.”

Comer crosses and Laslo heads back to the Capitol steps to chase more lawmakers in the chilly 30 degree weather.

ML: “Merry Christmas, sir.”

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